Blog Archives: November 2016

Our Thanks To You

November 20, 2016
Mark Barber & Jason Noriega HOSV Team
From our families, homes and hearts to yours - we would like to sincerely express our deepest gratitude. Thank you for entrusting us with your biggest hopes & greatest blessings. We live each day, week, month and year with a growing appreciation and recognition of this chance to do what we love with people whom we deeply respect. Thank you & Happy Thanksgiving! ~ Mark & Jason Homes of Silicon Valley  

Fun Facts, Food Finds & Gifts of Gratitude

November 20, 2016
Mark Barber & Jason Noriega HOSV Team
Did you know that a ripe cranberry will bounce?! Did you know that Thanksgiving is the reason that TV dinners were invented?! Would your kids believe that there were NO forks or turkeys at the first Thanksgiving? Well if you haven’t guessed already – this week’s blog is dedicated to fun facts, food finds and ways to give thanks as we approach Turkey Day 2016! FUN FACTS Chances are your kids learned about the history of Thanksgiving at school…and might tune you out if you mention the word ‘pilgrim’ or ‘Mayflower’. But you still might be ...

The Next Right Thing: In Real Estate & Life

November 10, 2016
Mark Barber & Jason Noriega HOSV Team
For today’s blog, we have been planning to share with you a mantra that we have used both personally and professionally, and lived by, for a very long time. Ironically, as we find ourselves with a new President-Elect and a country whole-heartedly discouraged by the political processes of the year in general, this theme fits now more than ever. If you woke up today and asked yourself “Now what?”…or ever found yourself bewildered in the buying or selling process and wondered “What do I do next?” – we have an idea: the next right thing. We ...

Hiring A Contractor Who Isn’t A Tool

November 02, 2016
Chances are that subject line got your attention! Let’s face it - anyone can carry a tool – but not everyone can use it to complete your home project without a major headache! Whether you are buying a home, selling a home or simply living your life and trying to maintain one, you have likely needed a contractor at some point. We have spent a great deal of time alongside many of you trying to find that perfect property, and we know that you spend even more time trying to take great care of it. Yet despite your best intentions and having ...