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Spring vs. Summer: When Should I Sell?

Are spring and summer your two favorite seasons?! Are you thinking of selling… but not sure which season will maximize your ROI and minimize your stress? We get it. Who knew that a little sunshine and a lot of strategy could play into this thing called real estate, right?

Since you might have spring break on the brain… here is a quick and simple refresh on seasonal stats and timing considerations.

Seasonality Insights

The good news is that if you live in Silicon Valley – it is nearly always a good time to sell! Serious buyers are ready year-round, but many sellers prefer the spring & summer months for reasons of their own. Nationally and historically, seasonality does play a big role in the housing market – here’s how:

| On average, the 2nd quarter of the year sees month-over-month home sales growth of 10% until June.

| May, June, July & August account for 40% of an average year’s home selling volume.

| By August, home sales fall by an average of 16%.

| Mortgage applications are early indicators of how the selling season will go (because we all know pre-qualification is a MUST!), so check those mortgage application numbers in the news to watch the wave rise in real estate!


Spring Strategies

| Hoping to list in spring but move in summer? Consider asking for a rent back (though 59 days may be your max if your buyers have bank financing and aren’t paying cash).

| Hoping to sell your starter home and move-up? Don’t wait… starter homes are in high demand AND home prices are defying predictions. That means the home you want to buy is going to cost more the longer you wait… and rates are on the rise. The sooner you sell, the less likely you may be to get priced out of the market.

| Hoping to take that BIG vacation this summer? You don’t want to worry about unpacking your home when you are packing for vacation. It’s much less stressful if your close of escrow is a month or more from travel plans (though mobile notaries and tech advances make nearly anything possible).

Stalling Until Summer...?

| Hoping to have the kids finish out the school year before you relocate out of area? We get it… and we can help your listing, buying and moving timeline match the needs of every member of your family.

| Hoping to find something super unique? If you are looking for a unicorn in your next home, you might be looking somewhere over the rainbow for a while. We can always build a buyer base with some pre-marketing so your target audience is ready when you are.

| Hoping to get the highest possible return on your investment? You might be tempted to wait until there are fewer homes on the market and avoid spring selling fever… BUT if rates rise 25% of buyers could be priced out of the market. Throw in rising prices and unpredictable political and economic movements and you are definitely treading into unknown territory. Let’s talk about timing your move and your goals with the market we have – not the one we can’t predict.

Last but not least… don’t forget that every home will take a little time to become market-ready. While we are 100% committed to being 100% accountable of that prep work for you, it does play into the timing of your listing clock. If you are thinking of selling but just not sure when – the good news is that you are not alone. Please give us a call (no pressure or obligation) to chat about what you are thinking and when. We believe the very best time is when it is right for you, and we are here to help you figure that out.

Let's talk soon,

Mark & Jason



Resources Used:

Here's Why Seasonality Matters In The Housing Market

Home Prices Continue Upward, Defying Predictions

Weekly Mortgage Applications Rise Even As Rates Increase


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