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Teacher Appreciation Week: 3 Things School Scores Don’t Tell You

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! We cannot express the amount and depth of gratitude we have for the educators in our community – the ones who are our neighbors, our children’s’ role models and our friends. Thank you for ALL that you do to inspire, support and champion the littlest of souls with the biggest of dreams!

In the real estate industry, education is topic that comes up frequently. Given that the adage of ‘location, location, location’ often encompasses a highly desirable school district ~ it’s no wonder that high school scores and high home prices go hand in hand. For many buyers, that can be a frustrating topic as it is HARD to find a home in this low inventory environment – much less one with the size you need, the schools you think you want and a price that you can afford. So, if you can’t buy a home near a ‘10’ rated school, should you throw in the towel altogether? What if life’s best measures of success aren’t being measured by schools at all?

It all depends on what that score 10 means to you and if that is what you want for your child. Standardized tests have long been recognized as lacking in failing to account for or measure teacher quality, much less a sense of student community or engagement. Rather than a strict focus on school scores, the more beneficial factors may be which schools fit with your values. Are you seeking an environmental that promotes leadership, encourages critical thinking and/or recognizes both strengths and weaknesses? If so, these items are not measured in school scores but can be analyzed with a little detective work of your own. Consider talking to the students and families who attend the campus (today, not 5-10 years ago), taking a tour and meeting with the school site administrators. Therefore, we encourage you to consider the three factors below when assessing schools and neighborhoods.

#1: The Teachers. We are not gonna lie – we love teachers (heck, one of us is even married to one!). But putting all bias aside and based on experience, we can tell you that there are some amazing, dedicated and inspiring teachers in schools of every score. Please do not assume that schools with the ‘best’ scores have the ‘best’ teachers. Many true champions of education choose to work in environments where they can make the most difference – regardless of standardized test reports.

#2: The Sense Of Community. More and more research shows that emotional intelligence is a far greater measure of success than standard IQ tests. Impacting how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities and strive for results – emotional intelligence is not acquired in a bubble. Since it’s based on communication and listening skills that are learned and mastered over time, an educational setting that effectively manages student interactions and minimizes bullying is where emotional intelligence tends to thrive.

#3: The Amount of Engagement. Looking at what activities are offered at the school and how many students are engaged in them can also be a helpful exercise. Most of us wish for our kids to find their passions, seek some balance between homework and extracurriculars and enjoy being part of something bigger than themselves. A school score may neglect to mention an International Baccalaureate program, an exceptional arts course offering or a superior support system on-site for struggling students.

We thank you for reading as we know that seeking the best education for your child can be a hot topic. We only hope to inspire conversation about what is best for your child’s needs and your family’s goals.  You may find that traditional, standardized tests don’t measure what you ultimately value, and we’d hate for you to miss a home in a place that does! Sometimes in life the little things aren’t really the little things – they are the things that are most overlooked yet most influential.


Warm regards,

Mark & Jason


Resources Used: 5 Ways Emotional Intelligence Predicts Your SuccessWhy You Need Emotional Intelligence To Succeed


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