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Tech Life: Let’s Talk Telecommuting

No matter how much you love your job, there are no doubt days when you can’t wait to escape the office and head home. But what if home IS your office…? It’s not so easy to escape is it! Here in the heart of Silicon Valley, the trends of telecommuting have followed what the thought leaders think about promoting work/life balance versus encouraging camaraderie and collaboration among colleagues. While the tide of the telecommute will ebb and flow… it is a strong moving current that will never disappear entirely.

With home now serving as the center for your personal and professional life, we decided it was time to share some data on who the telecommuters are, as well as what it means when home is a place where you work and play.

Check out this brand-new infographic from the California Association of Realtors on the ages and lifestyles of today’s telecommuters.


According to ‘The Street’, the following tech trends are driving telecommute life:

OFFICIAL VS. UNOFFICIAL TELECOMMUTERS: While the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 25% of employees are required to perform at least some (if not all) of their work remotely, the adoption of smart phones means that email follows everyone wherever we go. Once you take into account who checks work email after hours… nearly everyone is a telecommuter! (Hands up… who is guilty?!)

WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU: Don’t be afraid to set some hard and fast boundaries about how often you work at home, what rooms that laptop is allowed in and which hours of the day you can give yourself permission to mentally and physically un-plug in.

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COMPLETE AUTONOMY VS. COLLABORATION: Working remotely may increase efficiency, decrease distractions and offer total autonomy – but what about collaboration?! Since out of sight is out of mind… video chat is the increasing answer to seeing your colleagues no matter where you plug in.

WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU: The size, layout and functionality of your home are more important than ever – and that home office is no longer a 'wish-list' item but a 'must-have'. There is nothing worse than a video chat with your boss while your half-dressed toddler plows through the room singing The Wiggles (I mean… so we’ve heard.)

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SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY: While the three most important words in choosing a home are location, location, location… the three most important words in working from home are security, security, security. While the burden is on the employer to take responsibility for data storage, encryption and secure networks… how you approach home security should take into account all that you are protecting.

WHAT IT MEANS FOR YOU: Make sure you have a clear inventory of your office and home technology items, and know what is covered by your own insurance and how your employer would cover a loss. It also means you have more to think about when considering and selecting a home security system, deciding on a fireproof safe and hiring a house sitter when you are away.

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No matter what you do or how often you telecommute, we are here to help make sure home is truly a place where you can perform at max capacity or completely unwind when you need to.

All our best,

Mark & Jason


Resources Used:

Telecommuters Tell All

11 Tech Trends in Telecommuting, Some of Course Fueled by Apple


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