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The Next Right Thing: In Real Estate & Life

For today’s blog, we have been planning to share with you a mantra that we have used both personally and professionally, and lived by, for a very long time. Ironically, as we find ourselves with a new President-Elect and a country whole-heartedly discouraged by the political processes of the year in general, this theme fits now more than ever.

If you woke up today and asked yourself “Now what?”…or ever found yourself bewildered in the buying or selling process and wondered “What do I do next?” – we have an idea: the next right thing.

We live in a society where we are driven by goals, the thrill of success, the desire for instant gratification, the victory at the end of the game  - and we have been guilty of getting caught up in the moment too! While there is nothing wrong with a little vision ~ it’s easy to get buried in the mound of stress that goes with it. But the good news is that you don’t always have to know exactly where you are going or how you will get there to continue onto your next great feat.

Take the election for example – you can’t find a newsfeed that isn’t giving you a reason to worry about the future. Regardless of your political stance, you may be feeling anxiety and uncertainty about the direction of the community, the country and what the next 4 years may or may not bring. You might consider how to protect your children from the chaos, how to move to Canada…or how to avoid election talk at the Thanksgiving table. There are a lot of things you COULD do – but what is the ONE next right thing for you and your family? Maybe it’s asking the kids what they heard at school, and answering their questions. Maybe it’s expressing gratitude that we live in a country where we have the freedom of speech to have these conversations. Maybe it’s turning off the news and having hot fudge sundaes for dinner. You don’t have to have a crystal ball to do the next right thing for where you are at today, regardless of what that means next week, month or year. Because every day you will pick (probably without even realizing it) the next best step, and take it. And those steps will lead you in a decisive and steadfast direction.

Believe it or not, these conversations are not that much different in real estate. As you consider selling your home, your mind may be flooded with all the ‘what if’ scenarios. What if I don’t get multiple offers? What if the home inspection reveals some major damage I didn’t even know about? What if my home sells much faster than I thought…and I have nowhere to go?! These are all extremely valid and legitimate concerns, but that can (and will!) resolve themselves if all you do is the next right thing. You’ll hire your trusted Homes of Silicon Valley team to price and market your home with leading, innovative methods. You’ll handle, one at a time, any unforeseen repairs or issues with a crew of support by your side. You will take the steps needed to find and secure your next home ~ maybe not how you planned ~ but in the way that is right for you, for the situation you are in. Every next right thing you do will determine your direction; even if at the time it feels like you are playing dodgeball!

We know that in uncertain times as politics, market and life in general can feel overwhelming that trudging through is far easier said than done. But on a positive note, we have seen both our clients and our country endure some ambiguous situations ~ and that doing the next right thing has never resulted in anything but a step in the right direction. Now the definition of ‘right’ could be a whole other discussion (and thank goodness debate season just ended!), but we have every confidence that you instinctively know what is ‘right’ for your family, and we are more than committed to supporting that. We don't pretend to know everything (don't tell our kids!), but we do believe that we are always better together. If we can help you succeed in the next right thing for you ~ please don't hesiate to reach out.


Mark & Jason



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