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Thirty-Something & Purchasing Something: Insights From

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Whether you are looking forward to your 30’s (lucky you!) or struggling to remember them (no judgement here),  I think we can all agree that this decade of life is a marked one for reaching personal & professional milestones.

The thirties are often a time when individuals & families are buying their first home or moving up into a bigger one. The life changes that happen from 30-40 are often a time to re-evaluate lifestyle needs and financial goals, as exemplified in a recent read from

Here are three things to think about when buying a home in your 30’s…

#1: Ask Yourself Two Crucial Questions: Can I commit to being in this home for the next 5 years? Can I commit to the upkeep (both physically and financially) on the home I want to buy? If the answer to these questions is not ‘yes’, then it simply means there are some bigger conversations and strategies to account for before taking the plunge. The answer may be a change in timing, property type, location, etc. But there IS an answer.

#2: What Kind Of Home Do I Need… Today? With remote work becoming more common and long-term, the location of one’s home may play second fiddle to the features. (Though if kids are in the mix, schools will play a role!). In addition to size and must-have features, also consider proximity to grocery stores, restaurants, leisure activities, etc. Keep in mind your lifestyle will be different in your 50’s and 60’s, so focus heavily on your needs in the present and next 7-10 years.

#3: What Are My Options Given My Finances? Silicon Valley micro markets vary greatly with regards to demand and home price appreciation. Selling your home for a high ROI is great – but if you are buying in the Bay Area the prices are relative (sell high, buy high). The key steps to assessing your financial situation are: How much is my current home worth (ask a local agent – no online guess-timates please!), How much am I planning to put down and from what accounts?, How will my projected next mortgage payment impact my ability to save for retirement and/ort kids college funds? How much should I keep in reserves for emergencies?

If the last two years have taught us anything, it is that home is not just where the heart is – it is where everything is! As you consider what home looks like to you in your stage of life today, try not to look at your age as a number – but as a measure of what makes you happy.

Resource Used: Buying a Home in Your 30s? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

I have proudly helped many buyers navigate this dynamic market this year... and I am not done yet! The road may not be easy, but it is always worth it. Please let me know if you'd like to chat about your goals and hopes heading into 2022.


~ Mark


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